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Posted 12/28/2021 in Christian Mental Health Tips

Bible Verses About Comparison: Finding Contentment and Embracing Your Unique Path

Bible Verses About Comparison: Finding Contentment and Embracing Your Unique Path

Comparison, something we all know is a waste of time and thief of joy, but choose to do anyway. We want to look like them, be like them, and do things just as well or even better than they can. Yes, even if they are complete strangers on the internet. Because thanks to social media there isn't a shortage of people to compare yourself to.

However, God made everyone different and He has a different plan for every person. Comparing yourself to others only makes youcomparing ourselves to others quote by Christian Counselor Corine Williams Like this content on Facebook less aware of His love and goodness in your own life. This is one of the main reasons you need to stop this habit. God has so much in store for you, He has already done so much for you, but comparison won't let you see it.

Why You Compare Yourself To Others

One of the top question people often ask is "why do I compare myself to others?" Most of us don’t really want to compare ourselves to others but we end up doing it anyway. This is because it's human nature to want what others have. If you have children in your family, you'll know that this habit starts when you're a baby. Most kids want what they see in the hands of other kids, even if they don’t know what it is. 

The truth is, we're born selfish and prideful, but as Christians, we should live our lives trying to be more like Jesus Christ, and therefore this habit can be broken. It may be human nature, but it’s not impossible to stop comparison from stealing your joy.

See, comparison doesn't start off badly, wanting to be better and do better is an amazing thing. The problem begins when seeing what others have causes you to look away from what you have. This is the danger of comparison. We each have our own identities to maintain, our own paths to take, and our own lives to live, but the zeal to be like others often pulls us away from the beauty that lies in that fact.

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Examples of Comparison in the Bible

The Word of God contains many stories of people who compared themselves to others. These stories on comparison usually led to bad behavior, missed opportunities, or downfall.

Here are some examples:

The twelve spies - Numbers 13

12 spies were sent out to scope out the land God promised them, but only 2 chose to believe God over their own opinion. The other 10 chose to compare themselves to the people who lived in the land at the time. These 10 spies felt like they were grasshoppers compared to the giants that occupied the land and because of that, they would never win. They were wrong, but their comparison made them think they were right. Therefore the 10 spies and all the people who believed them never got an opportunity to enter the land.

Saul - 1 Samuel 18

This is the first king of Israel, he was chosen by God and he was a good man until he started comparing himself to David. Saul heard people saying that he defeated a thousand while David defeated ten thousand. This made him very jealous, he allowed the opinions of those people to get into his head and began to compare himself to David too. The comparison then led to bad behavior as Saul began thinking he needs to kill David in order to be the best again. He never managed to kill him, but he did waste a lot of time trying.

Joseph and his brothers - Genesis 37

Joseph was his father's favorite son and he had dreams that his family would one day bow down to him. So when his brothers compared themselves to him they couldn't help but get jealous. That jealousy led to bad behavior as they actually threw Joseph in a pit just to get rid of him. Eventually, Joseph's brothers did bow down to him. God used what they intended for evil and turned it for good, He favored Joseph too.

Gideon - Judges 6

Comparing himself to everyone else, Gideon called himself the least of the least. But God called Him a mighty warrior. Is it possible you don't see the mighty warrior in you because you're so busy comparing yourself to them? Gideon at least heard God and didn't miss his opportunity, but are you listening when God speaks?

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What Does The Bible Say About Comparison?

The Bible contains several verses that caution against the negative effects of comparison and encourage believers to focus on their own journey, contentment, and relationship with God. Here are a few passages that address the concept of comparison:

2 Corinthians 10:12 ESV 

Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding. 

Galatians 1:10 ESV 

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Galatians 6:4-5 ESV 

But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. For each will have to bear his own load. 

1 Timothy 6:6-8 ESV 

Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. 

1 Corinthians 4:7 ESV

For who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?

Exodus 20:17 ESV 

“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.” 

Hebrews 13:5 NIV

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

The above scriptures emphasize the importance of humility, contentment, and focusing on one's own actions and relationship with God rather than comparing oneself to others. The Bible teaches that comparison can lead to envy, jealousy, and unhealthy competition, which can hinder spiritual growth and relationships with others. Instead, believers are encouraged to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, contentment, and love for one another.

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

Stopping the habit of comparing yourself to others can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here are some steps you can take to help break free from the cycle of comparison:

Focus on Who God Created You to Be:

One of the best ways to stop comparing yourself to others is to focus on yourself. Focus on your value and your worth. Focus on what God has given you and how blessed you are. Focus on your identity and His undying love for you. 

Detox From Social media:

Scrolling social media is a triggers the comparison game for many.  Therefore, one way to help decrease the likelihood you will engage in this game is by detoxing from social media.  In addition, spending less time on social media also mean more time to focus on who God is calling you to be. If you would like help detoxing from social media, check out this guide here: how to detox from social media.  

Practice Gratitude:

Another antidote to comparison is gratitude. In order to avoid the comparison trap, we must turn inward and focus on ourselves and what we lack. Gratitude, on the other hand, causes us to look outward. To put it another way, it's like applying salve to a broken heart. Thankfulness obscures our sense of deprivation. As a result, we are compelled to respond to the needs of others because we see how generous and faithful a good Father is. 

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Focus on Serving Others

Jesus Christ not only encouraged us to serve others but also modeled serving others (Matthew 20:26-28).  Serving has been shown to have a positive impact on our physical and mental well-being in numerous studies. Specifically, serving other affects our beliefs, which in turn affects our actions. It allows us to put our own needs aside in order to better serve others. Serving others on a regular basis is another way to avoid falling into the comparison trap.

A Prayer To Combat Comparison

Below is a pray you can pray to combat comparison. 

Dear God, I know that it's not healthy or helpful to compare myself to others but for some reason, I can't stop doing it. Please help me to conquer the habit of comparison. You have given me so much more than I deserve and I am extremely grateful for all you have done. Please forgive me for coveting the blessings of others and losing sight of how much you have blessed me. I love the life you've given me and even though I may not have everything I want, I know that in you I have all that I need. In you my identity is secure and with you on my side my future is bright. Your ways are better than my ways, your plans are better than my plans, and you alone are more than enough for me. Please help me remember this fact every time comparison gets the better of me. In Christ Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Final Thoughts on Bible Verses about Comparison

In a world saturated with comparison, it's crucial to remember that our unique paths are gifts from God. The temptation to measure ourselves against others can rob us of the joy and contentment that come from embracing our individual journey. 

As Christians, we're called to live in the light of God's love, recognizing that He has a distinct plan for each of us. The allure of comparison may be a part of human nature, but with faith and determination, we can break free from its grasp. Let's strive to be more like Jesus, celebrating our own blessings and strengths while uplifting others on their paths. By focusing on the wisdom found in Bible verses about comparison, we can navigate this challenge and emerge stronger in our faith, more content in our hearts, and truly appreciative of the abundant blessings that God has already bestowed upon us. So, let's embark on this journey of self-discovery, embracing the beauty of our unique paths with gratitude and unwavering faith.

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About the Author: 

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Corine Williams, Ph.D. is Clinical Psychologist that is currently seeing clients in the States of Maryland, New Jersey, and New York. You can find out more about her practice by visiting www.therapyforchristians.com/corinewilliams.  In addition to providing individual therapy, Dr. Williams is also passionate about writing books and designing merchandise that educate, uplift, and normalize mental health subject in the Christian community. You can find out more about her at  www.booksbycorine.com or by visiting her amazon profile here: https://www.amazon.com/Corine-Hyman/e/B00AWZ5FL2

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