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Posted 10/11/2022 in Christian Mental Health Tips

How to Draw Closer to God

How to Draw Closer to God

Bible verse for How to get closer to God

There is so much going on in the world. If we are not careful, the world will keep us from the drawing near to God. However, the above Bible verse reminds us that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us.Like this content on Facebook Which is great and super clear.  However, the next verse reminds us to "cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

Which leads to many people being confused and still wondering "how can I get close to God?" then continue reading for the below practical suggestions.

Attend Church More Often

Let us not neglect our church meetings. ~ Hebrews 10:25

Increase your church attendance. Currently only go on Sunday? Consider attending a midweek service or volunteering. When in need, do not be hesitant to express your feelings or offer a prayer. This is one of the best ways to uplift others, become more like Christ and get closer to God.

Ask for Forgiveness

No matter how hard we try, we sin every day. That means we just need to pray for forgiveness once a day! Get down on your knees now and offer a prayer of repentance for what you have done. You will instantly feel a sense of peace.Ad for It is Well A Christian Guided Journal

Offer a Prayer of Gratitude

Have you ever expressed your gratitude to God in one of your prayers? Try it out today and see how it makes you feel!

Christ has done so much for us in such a little period of time. When we pray, we can express our thankfulness to the Lord.

Start a Spiritual Journal

A spiritual journal, in addition to a regular journal, is essential. Looking back on spiritual experiences in our lives is really beneficial, especially during difficult times. Check on this guide to help get you started on using a spiritual journal to dray closer to God.

Use A Bible Topical Guide 

Use a reference in the back of your Bible and find all the scriptures that talk about who is God. Get a red pen or another color pen and being to highlight all of them.  This will take time, but it will more than anything else broaden your awareness of who God is and all He has done for you.  

Study the Atonement of Christ Jesus

Christ's atonement entails far more than you might think. He has the ability to heal you cognitively, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Learn about the atonement and how great it truly is for you.

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Serve Someone

Christ spent his entire life serving and assisting people. Discover new ways to serve today!

Here are a couple such examples:

  • Participate in a food bank volunteer program.

  • Volunteer at a dog shelter

  • Weed your next-door neighbor's garden

  • Make some cookies for a pal.

  • Write a letter of encouragement to someone

  • Visiting the elderly

  • Find ways to help a local foster parent 

Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God" ~Psalm 46:10

When Christ needed time alone to converse to the Father and be alone, He frequently went to the mountains. There is great power in learning how to be still. 

Spend some time today just being and seeing how you feel. You can accomplish this by deep breathing or simply going outside and observing what you feel, see, and hear.

Draw closer to God pinPin ItFollow the Prompting of the Holy Spirit

Have you ever felt compelled to act yet have yet to do so? Do it right now! This will bring you closer to Christ as you obey the Father's promptings. You will be doing the role that the Savior fulfilled for so many others.

Spend time in nature

God created this beautiful earth specifically for us, therefore it stands to reason that we may feel His love and strength while we are on it! Take some time to go on a nature walk and just be in awe of the beauty that surrounds you.

Listen to a Christian Podcast

Play a Christian podcast while doing the dishes or cooking. It may take some time to search through until you find one you like, but hearing other people's testimonies about Christ is also very powerful!

Practice Self-Compassion

Why not give yourself some grace as Christ does? We will always make mistakes, but that is irrelevant! It just indicates that we are attempting to do our best. Allow yourself to make mistakes and always give yourself grace. When we give yourself grace, you are practicing self-compassion. You can learn more about self-compassion here.

Sacrifice Something for Him

Do you realize you should quit doing something? Consider giving up something to get closer to Christ. Do you spend too much time on Facebook, have a terrible habit, or watch a lousy television show?

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Look for His Presence in Your Life

Christ is present in all we do. Everything can be traced back to Him since He is the most significant thing. Seek His strength in your life. What has He done or helped you with that you were unaware of? Need help identifying His presence in your life? Consider using the Examen prayer.

Read one of Christ's parables from the Bible.

There are numerous parables that Christ employed in the Bible. Choose one to study today!

Can you discover a new meaning or a deeper understanding that you were previously unaware of?

Put Your Faith into Action

In the Bible, we read that “faith without works is dead. In order to draw near to God, you have to act on your faith in whatever you do today. Even though you are worried, trust in the Lord that everything will be well.

Watch a Faith-Based Movie

Movies about one's faith are always inspiring and motivating, as well as soothing. Choose a new one that you haven't watched before and watch it as a family!

Seek God's Will for Your Life

Seeking Christ's will for yourself is one of the best ways to become closer to God. What is it that He wants you to do? Throughout the day, do your best to align your will with His.

Set a Reminder to Think About Christ on Your Phone

This is so simple to do and makes such a big difference! Set an alarm or a reminder on your phone to think about Christ every day.

This will assist us to be more Christ-like and remember His atonement as we go about our daily lives. Simply set it to repeat daily and you're set!

Watch the Sunrise

Sunrises are extremely powerful and always remind us of God's goodness. The Bible reminds you that God's mercies are renewed every morning (see Lamentations 3:22-23). Today, watch one. Simply sit and meditate about Christ and His life while doing so.

Remember What God Has Done for You

Have you have a spiritual encounter today that you'd like to document? If not, can you recall a spiritual experience that had a significant impact on your life and faith? Make a note of it in your spiritual diary right now!

Share on social media or with your family if you feel compelled.

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Pay Attention to Someone in Need

Christ is always available to us and will listen to our issues. Do something nice for someone else today.

We may not be able to solve their difficulties, but we can always listen in order to express our love and support. Listening may be exactly what someone requires.

Tell Someone About Christ

We should tell everyone we encounter about Christ and all He has done for us. While it may be difficult, give it a shot today! You will be amazed and encouraged to meet so many Christians who have the same beliefs as you.

Spend Quality Time with Your Family

Christ adores our family and rejoices in our time spent with them. What activities can you undertake with your complete family?

It does not have to be a spiritual experience; simply spend some quality time together!

Share Your Testimony on Facebook

Share your Christian testimony on Facebook or another social media network. Share what He has done for you, how you have grown closer to Him, and anything else that comes to mind.

Study the God's Word in A Different Way

God wants us to know Him in an intimate manner. One of the best ways to do this is by studying His Word. However, many people struggle with how to study the scripture. You can check out 40 different ways to study the Word of God here.

Go on A Spiritual Fast

There are many benefits of fasting, including helping us draw near to Christ Jesus. When you fast, you tend to replace the time you would typically spend preparing and eating meals with prayer. You might also use that extra time to read your Bible, listening to worship music or spend time in prayer. All of this extra time spent with God organically strengthens your relationship with Him.

Join a Small Group

Be a part of a small group that focuses on Bible study and assisting each member in applying what they have learned. Members of such a group are also urged to build close relationships with one another in order to trust, encourage, criticize, and pray for one another.

Finial Thoughts on How to Draw Near to God

Well there you have it. A huge list of ways to get closer to God. Hopefully, you now have a few fresh ideas to get you enthused about working on being closer to Christ. Any of the aforementioned actions can deepen your relationship with Him and turn Him into your personal Savior! If you have additional ways to draw near to God, let us know in the comment section below.

About the Author: 
Dr. Corine Williams Level 1 TEAM CBT Therapist Corine Williams, Ph.D. is Clinical Psychologist that is currently seeing clients in the States of Maryland, New Jersey, and New York. You can find out more about her practice by visiting www.therapyforchristians.com/corinewilliams. In addition to providing individual therapy, Dr. Williams is also passionate about writing books and designing merchandise that educate, uplift, and normalize mental health subject in the Christian community. You can find out more about her at  www.booksbycorine.com or by visiting her amazon profile here:  https://www.amazon.com/Corine-Hyman/e/B00AWZ5FL2

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Disclaimer: the information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this article are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you are looking for a Christian counselor near you, please check out our directory located here:  Christians Therapist Near Me 

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